16 Things Any Serious Music Lover Can Relate To

Image source: tumblr.com
1. You have a CD and/or vinyl collection containing not just studio albums but also EPs, demos, b-sides, and rarities by your favorite bands and artists.

2. You enjoy discussing music with others.

3. When you are discussing music, you tend to have very strong opinions (and may have, at some point, passionately defended an artist or band you really like).

Fictional Conversation On The Internet
A: Have you listened to the new Foo Fighters album that just came out? It's amazing!
B: Yeah. I listened to it and concluded it was mediocre.
*Disclaimer: not all music lovers who are into Foo Fighters are this crazy. Also, I don't think the Foo Fighters' new album is mediocre. I haven't even listened to it to begin with.

4. For those who are open, you are willing to listen to the most obscure sounds.

5. And for those who are picky, you will listen with extreme caution.

6. Whether you are open or picky, you are always looking out for something new to listen to.

7. You have more than a dozen Spotify playlists that are neatly organized according to genre, theme, mood, era, occasion, and similarity.

Image source: Late Critic
Some songs won't be available on Spotify if you're in a particular country due to distribution rights and restrictions. But why keep fans from a geographical region from accessing music?

8. You die a little on the inside when you find a song that you want to add to your Spotify playlist is not available.

9. Even worse, you are absolutely dead when a particular band/artist is not available AT ALL.

Image source: thechangeblog.com
For a legendary band that's known by many types of listeners, The Beatles are a notorious example of a band/artist that is not available on Spotify. They have one album (First) that's listed, but as far as finding the rest of their music, they're NON-EXISTENT. It should be mentioned that it even took a while for the group to appear on iTunes due to distribution rights over their catalog. If anything, The Beatles should be on Spotify ASAP since there are many fans around the world eager to stream their music.

10. You were sad when Apple Inc. announced they were discontinuing the iPod classic.
The reasons for this are nothing but a load of bollocks.

11. You enjoy seeing live performances.

12. If your favorite band/artist is touring and is coming anywhere near your town, you WILL go to their concert.
True story
I am a huge fan of Nine Inch Nails. When the group announced they were touring following the release of Hesitation Marks, I knew I had to see them right away because it would have been the only chance I would have before my time would be fully committed to doing other things. Their first round of tour dates came shortly after the release of their recent album but were playing nowhere near my city. Due to this and other reasons, I had to pass on seeing them and was disappointed in the possibility of not having another chance to attend their concert... 
A year later, the group announced their second round of tour dates. When I looked at the cities they were stopping in, I was ecstatic to find that they were coming to my town. I knew that I could not pass this opportunity this time that I immediately bought a ticket. It was the first time I have ever been to a large-scale concert and I was pretty nervous about going. A couple of months after I purchased the ticket, I went and can say it was money well-spent because I had a fun time. Moral of the story: go see your favorite band/artist in concert at least once because they won't be around forever.

13. You have listened to enough songs that you can think of a song at the top of your head that will accompany any situation or mood that you are in.

14. Music is your drug.

15. It has become a vital part to your existence that you are dependent on it in order to function properly.

16. You can't imagine a life of silence because music is an integral part of your life.
John Cage seems to make a statement about this.

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